divendres, 16 d’octubre del 2009

Antichristian Mag. #8

Artilleria Pesada is a sub-label of Voliac R. Prods. From Andorra, this label is into such experimental noise, drone stuff. Well, here’s a split CD with two bands (or projects, I even don’t know...) musically both are in same way. The first band comes with some boring sounds, you know, some noise, which can’t be described fully over here since i’m not much into such music, just some bands are able turn my heart... Well, second band is much interesting than first! Because except of noises there are some guitar parts as well, he-he, all in all here are obscure sounds made by PC + using guitars which play in such slooooow, obscure sludge like way. 37 minutes of truly mad sounds waiting here for you.. I don’t know what to add, this stuff just for fans into noise/drone ritualistic sounds

Aleksandr Maksymov

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